Let me teach you how to translate those messages and put yourself on the path to healing.

First of all, you may want to have a drinking game for the amount of times I say “literally” in this video. 😂

Second, I’m Tara Meyer-Robson. I’m a medical intuitive. A scientific researcher. A pattern-seeker. A bestselling author. And the creator of The Flow Method and Body Language: Deciphering Your Body’s Clues so You Can Heal.

I'm known for being able to pinpoint the underlying cause of someone's pain or illness in less than a minute.

And then, I translate the body's message and show them exactly how to heal.

That usually takes under an hour.

The most common reaction I get from clients is, "How the heck did you know that? I've been to doctors and therapists for years, and you nailed it in a minute? "

My answer? "Your body told me.”

When you know how to listen, the body provides the answer. It always does.

How did I learn this? Well…


I’m energetic and healthy now, but a few years ago, I wasn’t.

You see, I was working 100 hour weeks, trying to live up to everyone's expectations of me.

I was carrying all kinds of burdens on my shoulders, thinking I had to carry it all.

I never asked for help. When I did, I didn't get any anyway.


And I ended up with chronic fatigue syndrome.

It. was. AWFUL.

If I did yoga for an hour, I was down for the rest of the day.

If I tried to work, my brain was in a fog.

I had almost no energy to do anything with my husband, and we were newlyweds.

I went from the most energetic, happy person you’ve ever seen to barely being able to move.

I went to a bunch of doctors trying to get help. I was finally told that CFS was incurable, and the best I could do was "manage it."

Thankfully, I am terrible at listening to "authorities."


I decided that I was going to find a way to heal myself.

I stopped. I started listening to the words I was saying to the doctors: "I feel like my circuits blew."

I knew there had to be a connection between overworking and over-caring and the CFS I was dealing with. I knew my circuits had actually blown. I had too much energy going out; not enough coming in.

I began to research everything I could get my hands on to see if I could find a pattern. (Once I have a question in my mind, I obsessively seek out answers. In this case, that obsession worked.)

I studied psychology. Philosophy. Energetic healing. Anatomy and physiology. World religions. Spiritual healing traditions.

Finally, at 3 in the morning, I picked up my husband's quantum physics book.

In a flash of inspiration, I made the discovery that changes everything.

For the first time, there was a solid connection between why a specific disease shows up right after we have had a bunch of negative experiences.

  • 👉🏼Like why a deep emotional wound can show up as breast cancer.

  • 👉🏼Or how foot pain could or show something breaking in a person's support system.

  • 👉🏼Or ovarian cysts can point to blocked creative energy.

  • 👉🏼Or childhood abuse and trauma shows up as addictions. (The kind of addiction can be specific to the abuse itself.)

Instead of having no control over why a disease shows up, finally, there is a reason.

There is a connection.


Can you imagine the relief of finally understanding the connection and feeling like you have the power to heal?

I honestly ran around the room like a crazy person when I made this discovery. And then I cried in relief. And then I started using it.

I healed myself.

Then I started working on friends and family.

Then I started taking on clients.

Then I started teaching other people how to do this in live classes. And the “aha!” moments and breakthroughs and total life makeovers piled up.

And now I am going to teach you in a self-guided online course with BONUS live mastery calls with me.


Here’s the completely amazing truth:

The pain and disease you are experiencing now is a surprisingly literal message the body is trying to send you about what’s off in your mind, body and life.

Once you understand the language of your body, you can use that to be able to shift your health, your life, your mind, and just about everything.

Best of all, you can use this new skill for life.

I’m serious. For the rest of your life, whenever you have a pain or disease come up, you can simply come back to this process and, once again, pinpoint the message the body is sending you.

And then you can use the same process to help you shift whatever needs shifted in that moment in time.


In this course, you will learn:

And here’s the really awesome thing:


Yes, you will know HOW to put this information to use for yourself, and it will only take a few minutes a day to start seeing results.

This alone will make such a big difference to you!

When you are dealing with pain or disease, you often feel SO out of control.

This course puts you back in control of your mind, body, and life - and of any pain or disease you are dealing with.

You will feel empowered from the very start.

I promise you that this course is life-changing. You will never see pain or sickness the same again.

Right now, the course is only $222…it’s going up to $1,111 (it really is chock-full of SO much life-changing help that I have been told repeatedly that I under-priced it). If you are ready for this kind of life-long help and healing, join now.

When you click the button above, you will be asked to create an account. After that, you will get to the payment page. You’ll get immediate access after that!


Here are a few testimonials from recent students and clients:

Tara Meyer Robson Testimonials

And, for those of you that are like me—science-minded:

The entire foundation of my work is based on science.

In fact, my methodology (and the scientific discovery at the heart of it) was chosen to be presented at the 2018 and 2020 Science of Consciousness Conference in conjunction with the University of Arizona Center for Consciousness Studies.


So, this work is very logical, science-based, and best of all, it works.

Join me to learn the language of your body, and use this for the rest of your life.

What’s included in the course:

As part of this course, you also get:

AND - Over 40 HOURS of incredible support resources to help you to succeed, including original guided audio and visual meditations for each area of the body.

(if you bought each of these separately, you’d spend at least $400).


Here are a just a few:


ask tara live (1).jpg
  • 1 mastery call with me a month, allowing you to get personalized help from me on anything you might be dealing with. (A $999 value)

    In these mastery calls, I do deep-dives on all areas of mind-body healing, and I answer your on-the-spot questions about any pain or disease you might be dealing with.

  • These calls are powerful, and they will help you stay the course as you work toward healing your mind, body, and life.

You have immediate access to all of this FOR LIFE, for one price.*

You will get all updates and course additions for FREE.


With all the content, coursework, meditations, support, live calls, personal sessions with me, and more, the course is worth over $6,999.

What would it be worth for you to finally feel like you understood what your pain and disease is telling you?

How about if you could get to the bottom of it without spending years going to doctors, therapists, and others?

How much have you already spent not getting the answers you seek?

(I have people in the course that have spent 12 years (and so much money!) going to doctors without a solution, and, within a very short time in the course, figured out the underlying issue, experience a massive “aha!” moment, and began to heal.)

How about if you also knew how to design your own, personalized action plan to align with healing, wellness, and joy?

Would it be worth $4,000? $8,000? $10,000? More?

The good news is that I don’t charge that.

With all the personalized help and group support I offer, the program will be going up to $1,111 in the next two weeks.

Right now, you can get everything for only $222! Join me today. I’d love to help you on your path to healing.

When you click the button above, you will be asked to create an account. After that, you will get to the payment page. You’ll get immediate access after that!

No-Risk Guarantee:
There’s no risk for you to try it. If you don’t love it, let me know in 30 days, and I will refund the purchase price to you with no questions! (I have never had anyone ask me for a refund - it really is that good!)

I look forward to connecting with you, supporting you, and helping you during this difficult time.


There is NO guesswork. I am literally giving you my complete process and all my translations, with specific examples, and complete system of how to translate literally any disease or pain you are dealing with.

Can’t wait to see you in the course soon!