How to Put Down Things You are Not Supposed to Carry

How to Put Down Things You are Not Supposed to Carry

Mantra for 2023: PUT IT DOWN.

For a lot of us, carrying everyone else's stresses and pain and worries is a way of life.

It's so automatic that we don't even notice it happening, until we start having shoulder pain…

And aren’t sleeping well…

And feel completely keyed up all the time. 

I find that this is particularly hard for empaths…

We are trained to look for solutions to people's pain and suffering.

We WANT to make it stop.

We WANT to help.

And that's amazing! 

But, if we don't know where we end and the other person begins, it becomes a problem.

A BIG problem.

We end up unknowingly carrying a big ol' backpack filled with other people's stuff.

Read more to find out how to put down things you aren’t supposed to carry…

Is the Season the Reason for Your Pain?

Is the Season the Reason for Your Pain?

Traumas are stored in our bodies.

When we don’t fully deal with them at the time, they resurface during the anniversary of the trauma.

We may not consciously remember the date, but the subconscious does.

And the body starts talking, trying to get your attention for healing that needs to be done - emotionally, energetically, and then physically.

Sometimes the season is the reason for your pain.

If you’ve been dealing with out-of-the blue pain, strange symptoms, or unexpected flare ups of disease, it might be a trigger from holidays gone by.

How to offer yourself the same love you offer others...

How to offer yourself the same love you offer others...

“Hey beautiful girl,” I said to my daughter, as I walked in to see what she was up to.

“Hey beautiful mama.” She said back.

I stopped and hugged her. “That’s so sweet, honey.”

“What?” She said, “You always tell other people they are beautiful. You are beautiful, too.”

Talk about the wisdom of a child.