Doing hard (scary) things is the spark that reveals your true strength.

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I did something super scary today. Like, not even really THAT scary. I didn't bungee jump or run into a burning building or flee a failing country with my child.

But for me, super scary.

Because sometimes stepping up and doing a really hard thing and committing to growing is the scariest thing you will ever do.

We all love our comfort zones. We might want to do bigger things and go after our dreams in bigger ways, but it's pretty scary to move out of the comfort of what we know. What we know might not really fit us anymore - like that pair of jeans that I am totally someday going to get back into - but it's what we know. And what we know is easy.

Stepping out of that is scary.

Committing to doing the hard work and being extremely uncomfortable for a while is scary.

But the reward is that when you do the scary thing, it's not so scary anymore. It's actually kinda exciting.

And you find out how strong you are, and what amazing things you can create when you are just willing to take a leap of faith and fling yourself out of the known in the direction of the thing you really want.

Have you ever taken a big leap of faith? What hard thing could you do today to take a giant step out of your comfort zone and toward the life you are meant to live?

If you are ready to come with me and do some hard things in order to finally manifest awesomeness, join my 7 day Radical Self-Love Challenge here:

Either way, go do something hard today. Show yourself what you are really made of. You can do it.