
Is Forcing Yourself To Forgive Actually Abusive?

Let's take a deep dive into the journey of healing and forgiveness together. From facing trauma head-on to finding ways to express anger positively, we'll explore navigating through tough emotions and embracing healing energy.

It's about honoring your emotions while paving the way for healing and growth.

Would you like to sign up for my FREE Radical Healing for Healers - 3 Day Immersive Healing Event? Are you a healer, coach or therapist? Do you find yourself burning out? Join me and learn the techniques to healing, not just yourself, but also others in my FREE Radical Healing for Healers - 3 Day Immersive! Link:

How to Manage Emotions Through Awareness and be ABLE to Forgive and let go

How to Manage Emotions Through Awareness and be ABLE to Forgive and let go

Today's session discusses strategies for managing emotions through increased awareness and forgiveness. Get tips for identifying, expressing, and releasing difficult emotions. Learn the importance of emotional processing for healing past traumas, overcoming fears, and personal transformation.

Learn exercises o help manage specific emotions and forgive those who have caused us harm. Join me today for this important lesson!

Dealing with Knee Pain? Discover and translate the message behind your knee pain so you can heal!

Dealing with Knee Pain? Discover and translate the message behind your knee pain so you can heal! Knee pain is often a cause of great distress, but it can also signify something going wrong in your life. Check out this video for help translating the message behind the pain you are experiencing so that you can get on the path to healing.

As always, please make sure you have a proper diagnosis and medical help for any pain or disease you are dealing with. It is always important to treat any pain or disease from every angle so that you can fully heal. Never stop treatment or medicine without consulting your healthcare team.

Migraines are trying to tell you what's off - find out how to listen and get relief now.

Dealing with Migraines? Discover and translate the message behind your knee pain so you can heal! Migraines often are caused to a variety of reasons, but also it might stem from our relationships with others! Check out this video for help translating the message behind the pain you are experiencing so that you can get on the path to healing.

As always, please make sure you have a proper diagnosis and medical help for any pain or disease you are dealing with. It is always important to treat any pain or disease from every angle so that you can fully heal. Never stop treatment or medicine without consulting your healthcare team.